
Showing posts from December, 2020

Last Day of the Year, bye-bye 2020.😊😎😁

                                       At last bye-bye to 2020, and welcome 2021, so at last the year which was proved unlucky has end, this year is unlucky only due to Covid -19 , so many people are away from their family due to this virus, I never thought that such a situation will arise in life. I always thought of getting a big vacation from school, but not a vacation like this. I wish that this Corona Virus Pandemic situation should end soon and it should not continue till 2021. 2020 passed away just like a bad dream, that we never thought of. Everyone is thinking that as soon as 2021 will come Covid 19 will get over, but now intense version of Covid 19 is coming , I wish that 2021 doesn't go like 2020, in short Unlucky. So I end my blog here , and wish you a Happy New Year💥😃🙏. Thank You Translation in Hindi-  2020 तक अंतिम उपचुनाव में, और 2021 में आपका स्वागत है, इसलिए पिछले...

Adulteration in Food stuffs🍊🍎🍏

            Common food Adulteration in India                                                       So, the first question arising in everyone's mind is what is Adulteration ? Adulteration is the process of adding unwanted substances to the food with similar appearance for making more profit .Adulteration is the most common process today and the most adulterated food product is milk. List of most common adulterants in India are: Milk - The most common adulterant include Milk. It is adulterated by addition of water, chalk, Urea, caustic soda and skimmed milk, while khoya is adulterated with refined oil and paper. Drinking this milk can cause great harm to our body including stomach. Vegetables - Now in vegetable too alteration happen , It is now seen as shiny coating in vegetable this shiny coating can be formed of chemical ...

Anger(Wrath, Rage)

 Discussion on Disadvantages of Anger As we all know everyone in the world is familiar with the word 'Anger' which is also said as Rage or Wrath. It is an intense emotional state in which our body organs are out of our control, and we may cause hurt to our-self or someone else . Continuous anger can harm our body like, like when a person is angry his/ her heart rate increases, and sometimes too much anger can also cause harm to our brain. Anger always takes something from us it never gives us anything, like it takes our precious time that we had utilised in doing anger. Anger takes away are closed one's away from us. Their are only disadvantages of anger not a single advantage, No one likes a person who is angry or spleenful , everyone like people who are always happy in every condition of life, either good or bad. So in-short from anger we will get nothing. So be happy and remove all the negative thoughts from your mind, that will make you angry , So be happy to lead a go...

The different types of friend we meet in life👦.

Discussion on Friends   Their are more than thousands of people we have met in life, from them some are those whom we know (as Friend or family member), and some whom we don't know at all. From these all 'friends' are those people who come in our life before any one else. Everyone makes friends in life , either they are good or bad, there are some people who do friendship for there personal means , like for money or some thing else, these types people are very rude and have bad intension in mind for there friends . We should not make friends who make us Happy by saying foul invective or cuss words, we should make friends that help us in our difficult time , and they scold us when we do something wrong and then teaches us the right way to that work, they don't let us go in bad members team or friendship , or they acts as a barrier reef for us from bad friends , exactly  from school time we should keep in mind all these principles, and then in the college times we will th...

My experience on riding Penny Board 🛹

   Experience during a ride on Penny Board 🛹 When I was small I had great interest in riding roller skates, and riding scooters , When I grew little big then I had interest in riding Inliners (A skates in which wheels are arranged in one lines), these inliners were too difficult to ride, it took me 3 months to learn ,and in these three months I had got many injuries. At last I learned how to ride it , now at a age of 14 yrs in lockdown during Corona virus I thought of learning Penny Board( a type of skate board) , so I requested my Father and he ordered it online for me, now there was only one problem how to ride it and learn it , when the skateboard came I was as happy as a lark . Then I went to our society podium and tried to ride it ,I wore all the guards and as soon as I placed my right leg on the skateboard I fell upside down and got hurt on my arm and back , I was not able to stand properly , my brother also tried to ride it, surprisingly he balanced on it , I aske...

Which is your favourite sport? 😉

Discussion on Sp orts    Their are many sports in India. The National game of India is Hockey, the others sports include Badminton, Football, Cricket, Table Tennis, and many more. But from all of these my most preferred game is Football , as everyone knows that in Football Everyone gets a chance to play, I also like to play Badminton , The game I hate to play is Cricket, from hearing the word 'cricket' only my hatred towards it increases ,In cricket it is not sure that everyone gets a chance to play, as only the pro players gets a chance the bat and ball , in some cases when they are out , we noob players get chance , and the most numbers of ball attempted by noob player like me are 6 to 7 balls not more than that ever , that's why I prefer to play Football not cricket,  I always THINK  that India's national game should be cricket not Hockey, as in India cricket is the most game watched by people. I also like to ride skateboard and cycle but Football is a way beyond....

😎 My Exams are over .

  Expressing my happiness towards exams being over 😏 During this corona time exam are equal to open book test, but its good for students like me, I am very happy of these online exam , and I wish that every exam should be online , but now I 'm more happy because my online exams are over and I am free of studies , now I feel like a bird flying in air with no tension, instead of the result of the online exam , now again my summer vacations have begun ,now the whole day I play football, do skating , ride cycle and sometimes ride skateboard , now enjoying such a long vacation is just like dreams . Now there is only one tension in life which is my exam result, now when the  result will come it will only say it tension or enjoyment. THANK YOU.

My experience during online exam 🤫

               Online Exam  or ( Cheating Exam )   What do you think? , is online exam of any use or not. according to me its useless, as children like me do not study they just open the book before exam and just 'Copy'😉 and then score good percentage , In some cases children parents also help them to cheat in the exam , but in my case I am alone, as I plan and do cheating , I made very different ways to copy, and I have never ever been caught by the invigilator . Online exams are just going as open book test , in which books are open for you to copy, its really a fun time for me. I never thought that things like ONLINE EXAM would ever happen. its more easier to copy in online exam than exams that are conducted in school. According to me these all schools are conducting  online exams just for fees , as after writing exam ,school will tell that for report card, Fees first. 

Covid-19 Pandemic situation

 My experience during Lockdown   Once upon a time we were freely walking on the road but due to this Corona we are locked with our mother ,father  and brother .I never thought that this moment would ever have arrived .I am fed up of hearing word like 'Quarantine', 'Sanitize', 'Mask'. But more I am fed up of these online classes as everything is locked up instead of these studies. Everyday we should wake up early for online class and sit up till 2:30pm,its almost just school. I say school is Better than online classes, but there is one advantage of online classes that teacher cannot scold us or punish us, she can just email us. As if teacher tries to scold us we can mute our self or leave the class. But school life is a way beyond then online classes as in school we can play in our P.T. period , but now the word 'Play' is some how vanished no one can go out and play , due to lockdown. I can only do 2 things after online classes, i.e. eat and sleep and som...